Friday, May 16
Check-In opens at 7am. Classes run from 8am-12pm and 1:30-5pm.
Saturday, May 17
Classes run from 8-11:30am and 1-5pm.
Lunch is not provided on either day, however, downtown Columbia has many great restaurants to choose from.
Axene Continuing Education
McKinney Fire Department
EMS Avenger
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Mercy Hospital - St. Louis, MO
Mitchell Trauma Center at MU Health Care
New Orleans EMS
Chief Medical Officer and Medical Director, St. Charles County (MO) Ambulance District
Adjunct Professor, Washington University School of Medicine
Boston MedFlight
University of Missouri School of Medicine
Mesquite (TX) Fire Department
USAF Reserves
University of Texas-Dallas (UEMR)
Texas Task Force 2 US&R
MU HealthCare
The University of Texas at Dallas - EMS Director
Texas EMS Educators Association Board of Directors - Owner
Every attendee is guaranteed to attend one skill station per day of attendance. Skill stations are not required. Attendees may be able to attend more skill stations based on final registration numbers.
There will be four different skills stations. Each skill will be repeated in five total sessions, with no more than 15 attendees in each session.
Skill 1: Difficult Airway (Surgical & needle cricothyrotomy, video laryngoscopy, SALAD)Skill 2: ALS Assist for the BLS Provider (12 lead ECG, IV set up, medication set up, airway preparation)Skill 3: Advanced Trauma Skills (Finger thoracotomy, escharotomy, wound packing, TECC skills)Skill 4: Point-of-care Ultrasound (Ultrasound guided IV access and E-FAST Exam)
In this escape room, 2 EMS Providers will team up as one of 15 different teams in a race against the clock to save your patient. Each team will be presented an ALS level scenario using high fidelity manikins, simulation gear and the back of a real ambulance. Each team must figure out the case and appropriately treat the patient. All teams that are successful and "escape" the case will be ranked based on time. The quickest team to pass the mega code wins!
Both members of the team must be registered attendees. This event will take place on Saturday only.
This station is optional, and participation in the Mega Code Escape Room Challenge may impact your ability to be scheduled for your preferred skill stations. Participants will miss one class section while competing in the Mega Code Escape Room Challenge.
The Mega Code Escape Room Challenge is open to the first 15 teams to register.
Registration for BOTH days
Registration for Friday ONLY
Registration for Saturday ONLY
Groups of 5 or more will receive a 10% discount at checkout. You must register all 5 attendees at once and all 5 must be Two Day Registrations.
Your generosity will go towards the Bryant Gladney Foundation and our mission to invest in paramedicine by investing in students. The Bryant Gladney Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. You will receive documentation for your donation at the end of the fiscal year.